
Subject: Organizational Behaviour


In organizations, personality has a significant role in determining individual behavior. It is focused on how a person's entire psychological system is growing and developing. Personality is a fluid idea. It cares about the whole individual. It is the culmination of a person's responses to and interactions with other people. The personality of a person is influenced by numerous things. Heredity factors and environmental influences are crucial variables.

Concept of Personality



In organizations, personality has a significant role in determining individual behavior. It is focused on how a person's entire psychological system is growing and developing. It considers the entire individual. It causes relatively long-lasting behavioral reactions. It has to do with the personal development and progress of the individual. From one to person, it varies.

According to Stephen P. Robbins, "Personality is the sum total of ways in which an individual reacts and interacts with others."

According to Moorhead and Griffin, "Personality is a relatively stable set of psychological attributes that distinguish one person from another."

Nature of Personality

The qualities listed below reflect personality:

A person's personality is a reasonably consistent collection of traits and propensities. Both physical and mental traits may be present.

  • Personality is concerned with the elements that account for both of the shared behaviors.
  • Personality is concerned with the internal variables that influence a person's behavior.
  • Personality is concerned with how an individual responds to and engages with other people and their environment. The exchanges happen in various environmental conditions and at various times.
  • Personality is concerned with the total person, not just individual elements.
  • Personality is a behavior with a specific purpose.

The ability to accurately describe, comprehend, and predict an individual's behavior depends on their personality. It is the culmination of all of a person's responses to and interactions with other people and their surroundings.

Determinants of Personality

Determinants of personality

Determinants of personality

Personality is a fluid idea. It cares about the whole individual. It is the culmination of a person's responses to and interactions with other people. The personality of a person is influenced by numerous things. The crucial elements are:

  • Heredity factors
    It is the parent-inherited genetic makeup. Gender, physical condition, facial beauty, temperament, musical taste, reflexes, and level of energy are all influenced by a person's biological, physiological, and psychological make-up. Heredity does not entirely determine personality. Neither is it a given at birth. However. The emergence of personality is significantly influenced by heredity. It establishes the guidelines for character development. Outer boundaries are parameters.
  • Environmental Factors
    An individual's environment has a big impact on how they develop their personalities. It is where early conditioning comes from. The extent to which a person may achieve his full potential depends on how well he adapts to environmental circumstances. Environmental influences on personality include:
    • Norms, values, and attitudes are established by culture. They are passed down from generation to generation. Different cultures promote and forbid particular behaviors. A member of a particular cultural group's personality development is influenced by cultural variables.
    • Social factors: Social experiences have a direct impact on personality by
      • Life experiences: Early parental conditioning society and schools. experiences throughout life.
      • They may exist among relatives, friends, or reference groups.
      • Participation in a group: Reactions and interactions with other group members.
  • Situation Factors
    The way a person responds to a circumstance modifies the influence of environment and heredity on personality. The personality of a person can alter depending on the situation. Situational factors also contribute to individual personality differences. Situations can lessen the influence of environment and heredity on personality.

    Important Personality Qualities
    The main traits of the personality are:
    • Control point
    • Machiavellianism
    • Self-esteem
    • Risk-taking Personality Self-monitoring
  • Locus of control
    The degree to which a person believes they are in control of their own destiny. People can be categorized as follows based on this characteristic:
    • Internals: People who regard themselves as in charge of their own destiny. They are in charge of their own fate. On the job, they typically perform better. They are more goal-oriented and content with their employment. They excel at managerial positions.
    • People who think that external influences determine their fate are known as externals. It can be luck or chance. Their job satisfaction is lower. Their absence rate is greater. They devote less time to their work. They excel at mundane tasks.
  • Machiavellianism
    This characteristic seeks to dominate and control people. The degree to which a person maintains emotional detachment, is pragmatist, and feels that ends justify means. "If it works, utilize it," is its motto.
    • Both High- Mach and Low- Mach personalities exist.
      High Machs are more cunning and more successful. Jobs that involve bargaining abilities and give big rewards are suited for high-mach workers since they are less easily convinced and more easily persuaded by others. When, High Machs thrive
      • Face-to-face interaction occurs.
      • The situation is subject to the barest restrictions. Improvisation is possible.
      • Involvement of the heart is unimportant
      • High Machs are the antithesis of Low Machs. They often have strong emotions. They don't use manipulation to their advantage.
  • Self-esteem
    It is the extent to which a person likes or dislikes themself. It is a conviction in one's own value. It relates to how one feels about themselves.
    • People with high self-esteem take chances. They perform better, which results in more job satisfaction. They put in work because they enjoy it.
    • People with low self-esteem are preoccupied with winning others over. They search for safety. They labor for outside compensation.
    • An endeavor to understand oneself is called self-concept.
    • Self-efficacy is one's assessment of one's own ability to handle events as they come up. Each circumstance differs. High achievers typically have stronger self-efficacy as employees.
  • Self-Monitoring
    It describes a person's capacity to modify their behavior in response to environmental influences.
    • People who are adept at self-monitoring can modify their behavior in response to outside forces. In certain circumstances, they can act in different ways. They frequently move around more in their careers. They can collaborate with a variety of groups and individuals.
    • Individuals with low self-monitoring have high levels of behavioral constancy, which makes it challenging for them to adapt to new circumstances.
  • Risk Taking
    People's propensity to take risks varies. Both high and low risk-takers exist in people.
    • Those that take on a lot of risk are frequently speculative. They decide quickly and with limited information. The level of risk depends on the demands of the profession. They engage in dangerous work.
    • Low-risk takers stay away from danger. They favor working in environments that are secure. They object to change.
  • Personality Type
    People can have either Type A or Type B personalities.
    • A personality type: As follows:
      • Always on the move, eating quickly, and moving quickly while moving.
      • Feel competitive and impatient with the pace of events.
      • Try to accomplish multiple tasks at once.
      • Avoid recreation; are obsessive about their jobs.
      • Are driven by numbers
    • A personality type B: As follows:
      • Without feeling a sense of urgency about time
      • They tend to be private about their accomplishments. They exhibit less rivalry.
      • Play for relaxation and fun.
      • Can unwind
    • People with type A personalities thrive under stress, time constraints, and deadlines. Quantity is prioritized over quality.
    • Type A people put in long hours of labor, make bad choices, and lack creativity. Their actions are simpler to anticipate.
    • People of type B typically rise to the position of boss in organizations and are more effective there.
  • Matching Personality and jobs (Personality - job fit)
    Getting personality and jobs to mesh is an issue for organizations. They seek to match people with particular jobs.
    Theory of personality and job fit (John Holland)
    According to this idea, job satisfaction and turnover are influenced by six different personality types and work environments.
    The foundational ideas of this theory are
    • People are all different in terms of their personalities.
    • There are various kinds of employment.
    • Employees are more content and are less likely to leave their jobs when their personality types match the demands of the position. The personality and the task should mesh well.

Personality type

Personality Traits

Congruent jobs


 Stable, Practical, etc.

Mechanic, Farmer, etc.


Analytical independent etc.

Economist, Journalist, etc.


 Friendly, cooperative, etc.

Teacher, Social Worker, etc.


Conforming, inflexible, etc.

Accountant, Bank Clerk, etc.


Self-confident, Ambitious, etc.

Lawyer, Small business manager etc.


Imaginative, impractical, etc.

Painter, Musician Writer, etc.


Exercise: Assess Your Locus of Control

Each set of statements listed below should be carefully read. Decide which you agree with most.


  • To make a lot of money, you need to take the right breaks.
  • Hard work and perseverance pay off with promotions.


  • The quality of your exam grades and your level of effort are directly correlated.
  • I sometimes find the responses of professors to be random.


  • Growing divorce rates may indicate that people aren't making an effort to keep their marriages together.
  • It's risky to get married.


  • The opinions of other people cannot be altered.
  • I am able to persuade others when I am correct.


  • Promotion is based on chance.
  • Future earning potential is based on aptitude.


  • A Knowing how to handle people makes leading them simple.
  • I don't really have much of a say in how other people act.


  • My exam grades are the outcome of my own actions.
  • The grades I receive are largely independent of me.


  • We have the power to influence world events if we speak up.
  • The notion that one can influence society is a fantasy.


  • Chance determines what occurs to me.
  • I have control over my life.


  • It takes work to develop the ability to get along with people.
  • It is impossible to understand how to win someone over.

Scoring Instructions

Give I point each if you choose:

IB, 2A, 3A, 4B, 5B, 6A, 7A, 8A, 9B, 10A.

Total scores indicate

8-10 = High internal locus of control

6-7 = Moderate locus of control

5 = Mixed locus of control

3-4 = Moderate external locus of control

1-2 = High external locus of control


AGRAWAL, DR. GOVIND RAM.Organization Relations. Bhotahity, Kathmandu: M.K. Publishers & Distributors , 2013. text book.

Things to remember
  • The totality of an individual's responses and interactions with others makes up their personality.
  • Personality is a reasonably stable collection of psychological traits that set one person apart from another.
  • It is focused on how a person's entire psychological system is growing and developing.
  • It is the culmination of a person's responses to and interactions with other people.


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