Responsibilities of Nurses regarding Terminally Ill Patient

Subject: Geriatric Nursing (Theory)


Responsibilities of Nurses Regarding Terminally ill Patient

Maintaining Personal Hygiene

  • Maintaining the patient's personal hygiene is important. It's important to take care of your mouth; you can do this by using petroleum jelly, soothing ointment, or oral swabs. In order to enhance comfort, eye care is offered. To stop the eyes from drying out, ophthalmic saline solutions or artificial tears should be used.

Maintaining Skin Integrity

  • Frequently evaluating your skin and applying oil, lotion, or powder as necessary. A patient at risk for developing a pressure sore should change positions often, ideally every two hours. While transferring the patient, be careful and avoid using shear forces.

Managing Bladder and Bowel Incontinence

  • To avoid urinary tract infections, do not use an indwelling catheter. The patient should be given stool softeners and a fiber-rich diet if they are experiencing constipation. Electrolyte and fluid replacement should be done if diarrhea doesn't stop.

Supporting The Family Member

  • Family members of terminally sick patients may become disturbed by their condition and experience visual and aural hallucinations. They can feel that their time is running out. The nurse's duties include giving the family member advice and assistance. Prepare the patient for the typical changes that come with the time just before death. Encourage family members to stay by the patient, to talk and touch them or simply to stand next to them.

Keeping Patient Pain Relief

  • A patient needs to be kept comfortable during the final stage. It is best to avoid procedures that cause pain, such as blood draws, tube feedings, and suctioning.
Things to remember

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