Types of Communication

Subject: Community Health Nursing I


Types of Communication

Depending on the message and the context in which it is being sent, people can communicate with one another in a number of different ways. Communication is also impacted by the channel and manner of communication used. There are many different ways to communicate.

Based on Communication Channel

  • Verbal Communication
  • Non Verbal Communication

Verbal Communication

It refers to a method of communication in which information is conveyed orally in addition to verbally and in writing. Every communication aims to make its point understood by its audience. Verbal interaction is further broken down into

  • Oral Communication
  • Written Communication

Oral Communication

In oral communication, spoken words are used. Oral communication is influenced by pitch, volume, speed and clarity of speaking. Examples of oral communication are

  • Face-to-face conversation
  • Speech
  • Video, radio, television
  • Voice Over Internet

The benefits of oral communication include quick feedback and the ability to swap ideas. However, it may contain some errors and lacks any supporting documentation.

Written Communication

Written signs or symbols are used to convey in written communication. A message can be typewritten or printed. The vocabulary and grammar used, writing style, and the clarity and precision of the language used all affect written communication. written communication examples include

  • Email, letter
  • Report, memo
  • Bulletins, manuals
  • Faxes, telegrams Advertisements, brochures
  • News releases

Messages can be altered and revised repeatedly before being transmitted in written communication. It offers a record of every message delivered and allows for the saving of messages for subsequent examination. A written communication allows the recipient to completely comprehend it and provide pertinent response. Written communication doesn't yield immediate feedback as spoken communication does. A written message requires more time to create than a verbal one, and many people struggle with their writing skills.

Non Verbal Communication

It is the transmission or reception of communications without any spoken or written language. It all comes down to the speaker's body language in nonverbal communication. Nonverbal communication aids the recipient in deciphering the message they have been given. Nonverbal communication includes everything that isn't oral or written.

  • gesture,
  • voice,
  • physical appearance.


It is a form of non verbal communication or non-vocal communication in which visible bodily actions communicate particular messages.

  • Body posture,
  • Facial expression,
  • Eye contact,
  • Movement of parts of body.

Body posture: Eg: Standing straight, with shoulders back this posture shows that one is feeling confident, standing hands on hips - can mean readiness or aggression.

Facial expression: Eg: Raised eyebrows, staring - can mean disapproval.

Eye contact: Eg: Raised eyebrows, staring - can mean disapproval.

Eye contact: eg: foot movement - can mean that one is impatient, nervous, excited or scared.

Movement of parts of body: eg: lowered head with no eye contact - can mean shame, timidity, or it may also convey that you are showing disbelief not paying attention. Maintaining constant eye contact -can mean that you are confident. Head nodding usually signifies agreement that shows one is going along with another person's opinion. Stroking the chin communicates that one is in deep thought. Finger tapping demonstrates that one is growing tired or impatient while waiting.


Voice tone, speech rate and volume are aspects of voice. Characteristics of one's voice depend upon the situation and environment. Voice includes tone and pitch of the voice, speech and volume at which a message is delivered and pauses and hesitations between words. Eg: a rising tone at the end of the sentence can indicate question. Nervousness causes physiological changes such as tightening of the larynx, or voice box which tends to make the voice higher in pitch and speed of speech also increases.

Physical Appearance

The importance of one's physical appearance in communication and presenting abilities is frequently overlooked. But the effective communication of a message depends on one's physical appearance. First impressions are crucial since they might indicate a person's mindset. People will immediately form opinions based on how someone is dressed and groomed. For instance, a listener may form impressions about a speaker's occupation, competence, and other factors based on the speaker's attire, hairstyle, use of cosmetics, neatness, and stature.

  • Based on Style and Purpose
    • Formal communication
    • Informal communication
  • Formal communication

Information communications, certain rules, conventions and principles are followed while communicating messages. It occurs in formal and official style.

  • Informal communication

It is established for societal affiliations of members in an organization and face-to- face discussion. It is just a casual talk among friends and family. Use of slang words, foul language is not restricted.

  • Interpersonal and Intrapersonal Communication

Intrapersonal communication refers to communication that occurs within an individual because the word "intra" implies "within." Contrarily, the word "inter" means "between," hence communication that takes place between two or more people is referred to as interpersonal communication. The exchange of information between two people privately is known as intrapersonal communication. This form of communication may be used for a number of things, including scenario analysis and idea clarification. The kind of communication that occurs between people is referred to as interpersonal communication. People converse with one another for a variety of reasons, including to inform, question, explain, and instruct. Interpersonal communication can be done using verbal or nonverbal forms of communication.

  • Listening

Listening is the first step in effective communication. For many of us, communication means talking. In addition to these actions, we also assess, analyze, critique, dispute, and deviate. However, effective communication includes active listening in addition to talking. Hearing and listening are not the same thing. It takes concentration to listen. In the communication process, listening is the capacity to properly hear and comprehend communications. Effective listening is essential for every communication; without it, messages are readily misconstrued and communication breaks down. A good listener will pay attention to both what is being said and what is being withheld or said only partially. Keys to good listening are

  • Stop talking
  • Prepare yourself to listen and relax
  • Put the speaker at ease
  • Remove distraction and focus on what is being said.
  • Try to understand the other persons' point of view.
  • Be patient
  • Avoid personal prejudice (don't let person's) or mannerism distract you.
  • Wait and watch for non verbal communication.
  • Counseling

The counseling process is unique. A client can identify his or her sentiments and learn to manage stress thanks to a confidential relationship between a medical care provider and the patient. Giving advice or resolving a client's issue are not part of counseling. It is the act of assisting a client in reaching his or her own decision by offering unbiased information and eliciting information about what the client wants and believes he or she can accomplish. Counseling needs to

  • Client-centered
  • Interactive
  • Private and confident
  • Individualized
  • Teaching /Health Education

Both art and science go into teaching. The teacher engages with the pupils and communicates through speech and writing. People can be informed, motivated, and assisted in maintaining healthy practices and lifestyles through health education. The goals of health instruction

  • Is to inform people and delivering knowledge about prevention of disease and promotion of health.
  • Motivating and guiding people to change their habits and ways of living, change practices which are detrimental to health.
  • Human Caring (empathy)

Empathy is vitally important in good communication. Many people confuse empathy with sympathy, but empathy is awareness of the feelings and emotions of other people.

Empathy is intuitive, but is also something you can work on, intellectually. -Tim Minchin Empathy helps us to communicate our ideas in a way that makes sense to other, and it helps us understand others when they communicate with us. Steps to empathy

  1. Listen carefully
  2. Express what has been said by using our own words to make sure what is understood.
  3. Express feelings.
Things to remember

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