Level of Intervention

Subject: Community Health Nursing I


An "intervention" is any effort to alter or stop a disease from progressing as it usually does in a man. This might be accomplished by providing counseling, help in the classroom, or social interaction. There has been described a continuum of five intervention styles that correspond to the onset of any disease. These levels are visible and pertain to the agent, host, and environment.

  • Health Promotion,
  • Specific Protection,
  • Early Diagnosis and Treatment,
  • Disability Limitation.

Health Promotion

"Health promotion" is the practice of enhancing well-being and reducing the risk of sickness via the connected disciplines of disease prevention, health protection, and education. In addition to avoiding illness, health promotion attempts to create an atmosphere where health can naturally grow. The goal of health promotion is frequently to assist neighborhood organizations in managing neighborhood health-related issues, such as school cafeteria food options, the creation of exercise groups, the organization of volunteers to assist the elderly, etc. People have more control over their own health when health is promoted. It covers a broad range of social and environmental initiatives that, rather than merely concentrating on symptoms, address and prevent the underlying causes of poor health in order to improve and safeguard each person's health and quality of life.


Health promotion refers to "The process of enabling people to increase control over their health and its determinants, and thereby improve their health." WHO 1984

"Health promotion includes strengthening the skills of individuals to encourage healthy behaviours and it also includes building the healthy social and physical environments to support these behaviours."(Health Canada, 2005)

"Health promotion is the process of helping people to take control over their lives so that they can choose options that are health giving rather than those that are health risky."(Vetter N, Matthews I.)

People can gain more control over the factors that affect their health through health promotion, which will help them feel better overall. The following 3 factors are crucial to health promotion:

  • Good Governance for Health,
  • Health Literacy,
  • Healthy Cities.

Specific Protection


The Approaches of Health Promotion are:

  1. Behaviour Change,
  2. Empowerment,
  3. Social Change.
  4. Medical or Preventive,
  5. Educational.

Medical Approach

This strategy concentrates on activities meant to lower morbidity and premature mortality. Target audiences for the activity may be large populations or high-risk groups. Increased medical interventions that stop illness and early death are the goal of this type of health promotion.

Behavior Change Approach

This strategy aims to persuade people to adopt healthy behaviors, which are thought to be the key to better health. Making decisions about one's health is a difficult process, and it is unlikely to be successful unless a person is prepared to act. Health education has long included those attempting to alter or influence health behavior.

The Educational Approach

Providing people with the knowledge and information they need to make an educated decision about their health behavior is the goal of this approach. It also aims to build the required skills. Since the educational method does not seek to convince or urge change in a specific direction, it should be separated from a behavior modification strategy. But education is meant to lead to something. The client will voluntarily choose this, and it may not be the option the health advocate would prefer.

The Empowerment Approach

This method, also known as the self-actualization model, aims to increase a person's capacity to exert as much behavioral control over their own health status and environment as possible. In order for a person to be willing and able to take charge of their own life, the model places a strong emphasis on improving that person's sense of personal identity and self-worth as well as on the development of "life skills," such as decision-making and problem-solving abilities.

Things to remember

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