
Subject: Child Health Nursing


Death that occurs within 24 hours of a submersion occurrence is referred to as drowning. Aspiration of liquid, the formation of an alveolar-arterial oxygen differential, decreased lung compliance, and hypoxemia are all symptoms of drowning. Hypoxemia that persists damages important organs and causes death. Unconsciousness, a head low in the water, a mouth at water level, a head tilted back with an open mouth, hyperventilation or gasping, and trying to swim in a specific direction but not making progress are all signs of drowning or being close to it. First aid procedures for drowning victims include removing the child from the water as soon as a drowning person is discovered, placing the victim in a comfortable position, performing a quick assessment of the victim's cardiopulmonary system and any associated injuries, and beginning cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The victim is also removed from the water by keeping the head upside down and gently pressing the abdomen, and assistance is sought to transport the victim to a hospital with a first aider. Prevent drowning by teaching water safety and swimming under the proper supervision.


Death that occurs within 24 hours of a submersion occurrence is referred to as drowning. Aspiration of liquid, the formation of an alveolar-arterial oxygen differential, decreased lung compliance, and hypoxemia are all symptoms of drowning. Hypoxemia that persists damages important organs and causes death. The outcome of a drowning depends on the child's age, current health, water temperature, length of time, and availability of first aid management, particularly prompt resuscitation attempts.

Near drowning

Near drowning is defined as when a victim survives for more than 24 hours following a submersion episode. After surviving a drowning incident involving unconsciousness or water inhalation, there may be fatal secondary complications.

Signs of drowning or near drowning

  • Hypoxia - unresponsive
  • Low in the water with the mouth submerged,
  • Backward-tilted head with an open mouth
  • Eyeglassed and vacant
  • Breathing too quickly or gasping
  • Making progress while trying to swim in a certain direction but failing.


Keep life-saving equipment, especially resuscitation equipment, available at the scene of an accident. A lifeguard, a pool safety camera, a system for local or remote monitoring, or computer-aided drowning detection should all be required for pools. Security guards at the pool need to be trained in rescue efforts.

First aid management

  • Take the kid out of the pool.
  • Put in as comfortable a position as you can.
  • Start cardiopulmonary resuscitation after a quick examination of the cardiopulmonary system and any accompanying trauma.
  • Clear the victim's mouth of any objects.
  • By keeping the head upside down and gently pressing the abdomen, you can drain the water.
  • To avoid hypothermia, keep the person warm by removing wet clothing and wrapping them in warm blankets.
  • Recruit assistance to transport the victim and a first responder to a hospital.

Drowning prevention

  • When near a water source, keep a tight eye on children.
  • It is necessary to lock the gate and fence the pool.
  • Under appropriate supervision, teach water safety and how to swim.
  • Inform students of a water danger.


Things to remember
  • Death that occurs within 24 hours of a submersion occurrence is referred to as drowning.
  • Aspiration of liquid, the formation of an alveolar-arterial oxygen differential, decreased lung compliance, and hypoxemia are all symptoms of drowning.
  • Hypoxemia that persists damages important organs and causes death.
  • Unconsciousness, a head low in the water, a mouth at water level, a head leaned back with an open mouth, hyperventilation or gasping, and trying to swim in a specific direction but not making progress are all signs of drowning or being close to it.
  • he First aid procedures for drowning victims include removing the child from the water as soon as a drowning person is discovered, placing the child in a comfortable position, performing a quick assessment of the victim's cardiopulmonary system and any associated injuries, and beginning cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The victim is also removed from the water by keeping the head upside down and gently pressing the abdomen, and assistance is sought to transport the victim to a hospital with a first aider.
  • Under appropriate supervision, teach water safety and how to swim.
  • Inform students of a water threat.
Videos for Drowning
child CPR
Questions and Answers

Death that occurs within 24 hours of a submersion occurrence is referred to as drowning. Aspiration of liquid, the development of an alveolar-arterial oxygen difference, decreased lung compliance, and hypoxemia are all symptoms of drowning. Hypoxemia that persists damages vital organs and causes death. The outcome of a drowning depends on the child's age, current health, water temperature, length of time, and availability of first aid management, particularly prompt resuscitation attempts.

  • Hypoxia - incapacitation
  • Low in the water with the mouth submerged,
  • Backward-tilted head with an open mouth
  • Eyeglassed and vacant
  • Breathing too quickly or gasping
  • Making progress while trying to swim in a certain direction but failing.

First aid management

  • Take the kid out of the pool.
  • Put in as comfortable a position as you can.
  • Start cardiopulmonary resuscitation after a quick examination of the cardiopulmonary system and any accompanying trauma.
  • Clear the victim's mouth of any objects.
  • By keeping the head upside down and gently pressing the abdomen, you can drain the water.
  • To avoid hypothermia, keep the person warm by removing wet clothing and wrapping them in warm blankets.
  • Recruit assistance to transport the victim and a first responder to a hospital.

Drowning prevention

  • Keep an eye on children when they are near any water source.
  • The pool needs to be fenced off, and the gate locked.
  • Under appropriate supervision, teach water safety and how to swim.
  • Explain a water-related risk.

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