Dental Carries

Subject: Child Health Nursing


The deterioration of teeth brought on by bacterial activity is known as dental caries, commonly referred to as tooth decay, cavities, or caries. The cavities can be any hue, ranging from yellow to black. Pain and difficulty eating are only a couple of the symptoms. Caries is a process, and complications might include swelling of the gum tissue surrounding the tooth, tooth loss, and infection or abscess formation. Tooth decay can be stopped in its early stages. Even so, it is reversible. A tooth can self-heal in the early stages of decay with the use of fluorides and other preventative measures (remineralize). The final stage of early caries is white patches. Only a dentist can fix a tooth if caries has broken the enamel and progressed to an advanced stage.The tooth will then be filled as part of the regular cavity treatment. The dentist will numb the region if a drill is used. A numbing shot is usually not necessary if a laser is utilized. The cavity is cleaned out of the decomposing matter and then filled.

Dental carries

The deterioration of teeth brought on by bacterial activity is known as dental caries, commonly referred to as tooth decay, cavities, or caries. The cavities can be any hue, ranging from yellow to black. Pain and difficulty eating are only a couple of the symptoms. The tissue surrounding the tooth may become inflamed; teeth may fall out; and an infection or abscess may arise.

Sign and symptoms

There could be no signs at all. If symptoms develop, they could be:

  • Tooth ache or soreness, especially after consuming sweet, hot, or cold meals and beverages
  • Teeth with obvious craters or holes.


  • Early tooth deterioration is called caries, and it can be halted. Even so, it is reversible. A tooth can self-heal in the early stages of decay with the use of fluorides and other preventative measures (remineralize). The final stage of early caries is white patches.
  • Once caries worsens and an enamel crack occurs, only a dentist can restore the tooth. The tooth will then be filled as part of the regular cavity treatment. The dentist will numb the region if a drill is used. A numbing shot is usually not necessary if a laser is utilized. The cavity is cleaned out of the decomposing matter and then filled.
  • Dental amalgam or composite resin are the most common filling materials. A silver-gray substance called amalgam is created from silver, mercury, copper, or other metals. Because it is tooth-colored, composite resin looks better. Modern resins are incredibly robust.
  • Because the metal cannot be seen in the rear of the mouth, amalgams are utilized in molars and premolars. For all teeth, composite and ceramic materials are employed.
  • Large cavities could prevent enough filling material from being able to heal them on the remaining tooth. A ceramic inlay, onlay, or fake crown will be placed over the tooth after the dentist has removed the decay in this situation. These could be created in a lab or at work.
  • Even when the visible portion of the tooth appears to be in relatively good condition, bacteria can nonetheless infect the pulp inside the tooth. In this situation, root canal therapy is required for the tooth. The pulp will be taken out and replaced with an inert substance by an endodontist or a general dentist. The tooth will typically require a crown.


Things to remember
  • The deterioration of teeth brought on by bacterial activity is known as dental caries, commonly referred to as tooth decay, cavities, or caries.
  • The cavities can be any hue, ranging from yellow to black.
  • Pain and difficulty eating are only a couple of the symptoms.
  • The tissue surrounding the tooth may become inflamed; teeth may fall out; and an infection or abscess may arise.
  • A procedure causes caries. Tooth decay can be stopped in its early stages. Even so, it is reversible. A tooth can self-heal in the early stages of decay with the use of fluorides and other preventative measures (remineralize).
  • Only a dentist can fix a tooth if caries has broken the enamel and progressed to an advanced stage. The tooth will then be filled as part of the regular cavity treatment.
Videos for Dental Carries
Kids Dental Caries
Questions and Answers
  • A procedure causes caries. Tooth decay can be stopped in its early stages. Even so, it is reversible. A tooth can self-heal in the early stages of decay with the use of fluorides and other preventative measures (remineralize). The final stage of early caries is white patches.
  • Only a dentist can fix a tooth if caries has broken the enamel and progressed to an advanced stage. The tooth will then be filled as part of the regular cavity treatment. The dentist will numb the region if a drill is used. A numbing shot is usually not necessary if a laser is utilized. The cavity is cleaned out of the decomposing matter and then filled.
  • Dental amalgam or composite resin are the most common filling materials. A silver-gray substance called amalgam is created from silver, mercury, copper, or other metals. Because it is tooth-colored, composite resin looks better. Modern resins are incredibly robust.
  • Because the metal cannot be seen in the rear of the mouth, amalgams are utilized in molars and premolars. For all teeth, composite and ceramic materials are employed.
  • Large cavities could prevent enough filling material from being able to heal them on the remaining tooth. A ceramic inlay, onlay, or fake crown will be placed over the tooth after the dentist has removed the decay in this situation. These could be created in a lab or at work.
  • Even when the visible portion of the tooth appears to be in relatively good condition, bacteria can nonetheless infect the pulp inside the tooth. In this situation, root canal therapy is required for the tooth. The pulp will be taken out and replaced with an inert substance by an endodontist or a general dentist. The tooth will typically require a crown.

The deterioration of teeth brought on by bacterial activity is known as dental caries, commonly referred to as tooth decay, cavities, or caries. The cavities can be any hue, ranging from yellow to black. Pain and difficulty eating are only a couple of the symptoms. The tissue surrounding the tooth may become inflamed; teeth may fall out; and an infection or abscess may arise.

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